As concerns about climate change continue to grow, the future of renewable energy becomes even more critical. In this post, we explore the latest advancements in solar, wind, and hydro power, and how they can help us transition to a more sustainable future. Discover the benefits of investing in renewable energy, the challenges we face, and the opportunities that lie ahead. Join us as we delve into the exciting world of renewable energy and its potential to reshape our planet.
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Araceli Domínguez
Productora Ejecutiva de Voces Ecológicas de la Frontera.
Periodista profesional con estudios de educación ambiental en CETYS Universidad y Fundación PROBEA
Diplomada en Derechos Humanos
Imparte cursos de educación ambiental, cultura del agua, la carta de la tierra, reciclaje, derechos humanos, libertad de expresión y análisis de riesgo.