Green politics is gaining momentum worldwide as people become more aware of the urgent need to protect our environment. In this post, we delve into the core principles of the green politics movement and how it aims to create a greener and more sustainable future. From advocating for green policies and renewable energy investments to promoting eco-friendly initiatives, we explore the impact of green politics on society and the ways individuals can actively participate in shaping a better tomorrow.
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Araceli Domínguez
Productora Ejecutiva de Voces Ecológicas de la Frontera.
Periodista profesional con estudios de educación ambiental en CETYS Universidad y Fundación PROBEA
Diplomada en Derechos Humanos
Imparte cursos de educación ambiental, cultura del agua, la carta de la tierra, reciclaje, derechos humanos, libertad de expresión y análisis de riesgo.